Today’s random thoughts

  • The best idea I had for a post yesterday was a simple one-liner: if you wear an orange wig, the terrorists win. And as you can see now for yourself, it isn’t a very good one either. So much for my attempt at posting something every day for a week.
  • Looking through the statistics, I see a lot of people coming in on the two Dutch posts. And I guess there should be a third post in the series, wrapping everything up now that the issue has been discussed in parliament.
  • Now that it’s clear that nothing is being done about the issues concerning my knee until August 19th at the earliest, I have half a mind on seeing if I can come up with some idea’s for a holiday. Realistically, I don’t see it happen, but who knows.
  • In my ongoing quest to see a concert every month this year, I’m still looking for something in July. Suggestions are welcome. You know what I like.
  • If the terrorists also win when you decorate your house with orange paraphernalia, my neighbor might just be one.