Keeping score

Making new years resolutions is one of the many things I don’t believe in. But sometimes you need goals. Especially when you’re a slacker like me. So I made a to-do list for this year, with five obtainable targets and a more metaphorical one.

Now we’re two weeks into the new year, and already I can check off one of the points. If yesterday’s crème brûlée wasn’t very well damned close to perfect, I’ll be crapdamned. And now that I know how it’s done, it’s only a matter of repeating the process often enough to get it right every time.

Also, I believe I’m making good progress on two other items from the list: my list of 100 things to do before I die is halfway done, and so far, I am definitely writing more. If it’s better, well, you be the judge of that.