Monthly Archives: June 2009

First lines: Dreams of Terror and Death

In the Dream Cycle, HP Lovecraft explores the unknown vistas of the dreamlands and what unimaginable horrors unsuspecting dreamers may encounter there. Dreams of Terror and Death collects all those stories in a handsome tome. Much of the criticism from my previous foray into Lovecraft’s vast body of work applies here as well. But since… Read more »

Selectieve verontwaardinging

Aanstaande donderdag zijn er verkiezingen voor het Europees parlement. Eén van de stemlokalen in de gemeente Apeldoorn zal op die dag gevestigd zijn in een moskee (pdf). Reden genoeg voor de PVV-leden Fritsma en Brinkman om op het stokpaardje te klimmen en kamervragen te stellen: 2. Deelt u de mening dat het onacceptabel is om… Read more »

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Seen live: Jon Oliva’s Pain

Yesterday I saw Jon Oliva’s Pain live for the third time. And unlike the first two times, I wasn’t totally into it. There’s probably three reasons for that: transportation issues; technical difficulties on stage, which meant that Jon Oliva sat behind his piano all the time; and the setlist, which was very similar to last… Read more »