- Hi, welcome on my new website.
- Today is my 10.000th day on this planet. W00t.
- Tomorrow, noonish, I am going to move to my new apartment. W00t².
- No, I won’t explain the card I’ll be sending out soonish. Not even to you.
- kthxbye.
First Lines: Cujo
The best synopsis of Stephen King’s novel Cujo can be found in one of his other books, On Writing. While explaining that writers should forget plot, but remember the importance of ‘situation’
, he writes that
Of course, there is more to Cujo than just that. As in every novel by King, several subplots are neatly intertwined, and some of those will be deus-ex-machinaed out of the story when they’ve fulfilled their purpose. It’s most definitely not King’s best work (written at a peak of drug and alcohol abuse), but it’s not bad at all.
- Book read
- Stephen King – Cujo
- First line
- Once upon a time, not so long ago, a monster came to the small town of Castle Rock, Maine.
Starting all over again
In a short while, I will be moving to my new apartment. Since it’s still unclear what is going to happen with my shared internet connection, I decided to do what was going to happen anyway, and I moved my weblog and website to their own domain.
The design is still in beta, and be assured that it stays that way until I’m done moving.