One hundred

One hundred posts ago — or as fate would have it, exactly one year ago next Sunday — I started posting at this location. Woo-didely-hoo.

Browsing back through the archives, I can’t say I’ve gotten quite the hang of it. Yet. While I didn’t start out with a clear defined goal, I must admit that I’m kinda disappointed in a few things:

  • I haven’t been able to keep the output/updates coming at a regular pace. Particularly the last couple of months there’s been something of a creative drought.
  • While the quality of the writing has improved since I started blogging *, I’m not quite satisfied with where my writing is now. There are still too few hits to make up for all the misses. Maybe taking some writing courses like I’ve been contemplating on and off for the last few years wouldn’t be a bad idea.
  • The amount of comments from/discussion with my esteemed visitors. It’s, ehm, a bit sparse. I’d love to hear more from you.

This was post one hundred. Up to the next milestone.

* Did I actually type that? Oh my. Anyway, see the really old archives for some really self-indulgent, cringe worthy stuff. up.