Monthly Archives: March 2009


Late last year Ellen Foley released three new songs. It’s the first new material released under her own name since 1983’s Another Breath. If there would have been a physical release (even if it’s just a burned CD), I would have been the first in line to pick up a copy, but alas, it’s downloads… Read more »

Atheisme en politiek

Na afloop van de bijeenkomst ‘Atheïsme en Politiek’ in Rotterdam moest ik denken aan een opmerking van open source software goeroe Richard Stallman: If you want to accomplish something in the world, idealism is not enough—you need to choose a method that works to achieve the goal. In other words, you need to be “pragmatic.”… Read more »

Seen live: Acda en De Munnik Spelen

Acda en De Munnik Spelen is the latest show of Dutch theater duo Acda en De Munnik, which incorporates most songs of their latest album Nachtmuziek. Since that isn’t exactly what I think is their best album, I went in not expecting much. As it turns out, the bits in between the songs were quite… Read more »

First lines: Equal Rites

Equal Rites (the third Discworld novel) deals with magic, witches and wizards. And why men can’t be witches and woman can’t be wizards. And more of that. The first two Discworld novels I read were the first two Discworld novels. This third one (the sixth I read, despite what I claimed earlier) gets things right… Read more »


In het kader van de actie ‘zeggen waar het op staat’, de volgende dienstmededeling: Als je anno 2009 nog steeds van mening bent dat condooms niet tegen aids helpen, maar het probleem juist verergeren, dan weet je duidelijk niet waar je het over hebt en ben je een flapdrol. Behalve als je de paus bent…. Read more »