First lines: Just After Sunset

Just After Sunset is another collection of short stories by Stephen King. And since I can’t find an interesting angle to poke at it, I’ll keep it at these three observations from my notes:

ONE: I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between Stationary Bike and Duma Key, with paintings influencing reality and all that.

TWO: My favorite story of the bunch is N., and it seemed Lovecraftian to me, but King said it was more like Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan. There is an online animated version for your viewing pleasure.

THREE: Ayana contains this great line: He combed his hair like Elvis and had a slightly dangerous look, like a sailor two drinks into a shore leave that will end badly.

Book read
Stephen King — Just After Sunset
First line
One day in 1972, I came home from work and found my wife sitting at the kitchen table with a pair of gardening shears in front of her.