Yearly Archives: 2009

A Cowboy Walks into a Bar

November is halfway done. Which means that NaNoWriMo is halfway done too. Of course, it’s ridiculous to expect anyone to write a good 50,000 word novel in just a month, and that’s exactly why I would love to give it a shot one day. But somehow, ever since I found out about this yearly event,… Read more »

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Point Blank

I’m an album person. As in, I usually listen to albums from beginning to end. They’re in that order for a reason, right? Yesterday, Bruce Springsteen’s The River came up on my mp3-player. Which is one of the few Springsteen albums that doesn’t work for me. And not in a Human Touch/Lucky Town/Ghost of Tom… Read more »

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Kamervragen zijn niet meer wat ze geweest zijn, stelde ik twee weken geleden. Vandaag moet ik mijn mening iets bijstellen: het instrument kamervragen dient zo snel mogelijk, op staande voet en zonder pardon geëuthanaseerd worden. Vandaag werd bekend dat de lettercombinatie ‘PVV’ op de lijst ‘Verboden lettercombinaties’ van de RDW komt. De reactie van de… Read more »

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Not Traditional

Donald L. Carcieri is the Republican governor of Rhode Island, and he just vetoed a bill which would allow “domestic partners” * to legally arrange the funeral of their deceased partner. In his veto message, he said that this bill represents a disturbing trend over the past few years of the incremental erosion of the… Read more »

Missing Links

Today, scientists dealt Theory of Evolution a heavy blow with the announcement of a newly discovered dinosaur species. Aardonyx celestae has a “very significant position in the family tree of dinosaurs” because it may very well be the missing link between early bipedal dinosaurs and the massive sauropods. Now, I know you’re thinking, If this… Read more »