Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, just issued some thoughts on Flash, detailing why Apple won’t support it on their iPhones and -Pads. They’ll probably have some valid points there, but as I don’t own or plan to own any of those products, I don’t really care. Still, there’s one bone I have to pick with… Read more »
Monthly Archives: April 2010
First Lines: Lifting Shadows
Wait, didn’t I do this one before? Well, yes. I did. Sorta. You see, after the success of the first-strictly-limited-fancy-deluxe Original Box Set Edition, there seemed to be a demand for a cheaper edition. So an updated and expanded second edition was released. And being the geek I am, I had to get that one… Read more »
#101: Getting Out
While going over my list of 100 Things, I noticed that by completing number 69 (run Linux as primary operating system on every computer I own) I rendered number 21 (find free/open source alternatives for all unlicensed programs on my PC) moot. So I came up with a new one: 101: Officially defect from the… Read more »
#50: 40 Books Before 40
This post in three months overdue. My original plan was to finalize my list of 40 books to read before my 40th birthday on my 30th birthday, so that I would have exactly ten years to complete them. But then life happened. Anyway, the list. (The books I’ve read are bold, those waiting to be… Read more »
Quote van de dag
Dit wordt niet anders doordat de SGP haar standpunt baseert op haar godsdienstige overtuiging. Het grondrecht van vrijheid van godsdienst geeft haar weliswaar het recht haar standpunt uit te dragen. Maar in een democratische rechtsstaat mag aan politieke beginselen en programma’s slechts praktische uitvoering worden gegeven binnen de grenzen die wetten en verdragen daaraan stellen,… Read more »