A couple of weeks ago, when I tracked down one of the few pieces I still think I need for my Meat Loaf collection, I came across a mysterious Meat Loaf tribute album called Fat Out of Hell by some guy going by the very imaginative name MeatBalls. Usually, I don’t care for that kind of stuff, ’cause, well, you know… but as this one was being advertised as a “Tongue in Cheek Tribute to Meat Loaf” I thought, what the hell.
Last week it arrived, and I did what I always do: I started Googleing to satisfy my obsessive, compulsive need for information. And you know what really pisses me off? That’s right. Not finding what I’m looking for. I tried every trick in the book, but apart from what I already gathered from the booklet, I found nothing worth mentioning.
So I might as well turn it over to the lazywebs, and see what you guys can come up with.
As for the album itself: it’s cool. Apart from a food related ad-lib in “I’d Do Anything for Love”—Some days I just pray to the Gods of party pies and sausage rolls
—I can’t find anything tongue in cheek about it. The band seems pretty decent and mr. MeatBalls himself (born Michael-John Hurney) sounds vaguely just a little bit like a young mr. Loaf. Here’s his take on Out of the Frying Pan (And Into the Fire) for your perusal.