It’s the Season to be Jolly

Tonight, at a eleven-thirty-eight GMT it’s the winter solstice. And while we all know in our hearts that this turning of the sun is the true reason of the season … oh, well, you know what I mean. [1]

Instead let me treat you to a song taken from an LP I digitized last year. It’s an awesome little Dutch ode the winter: De Makkers – Wintertijd. (mp3, ~6MB, right click & save as…) [link expired] [2]

  1. Just in case you don’t know: watch this ‘freethoughvlog’ from Dutch MP Boris van der Ham who explains it very well.
  2. And why is this song so awesome you might ask? Well, take a look at the lyrics: Een witte sneeuwpop met zwarte knopen / ‘t Is net een mens maar hij kan niet lopen. A white snow man with buttons that are black; It’s just a man, but he cannot walk. If that ain’t awesomesauce, I don’t know what is.