Monthly Archives: January 2013

Seen live: De Supersonische Boem!

Since I’ve been trying to see something culturalistically relevant on a stage at least once a month, I’ve noticed that January is a particularly hard month to find something for. Or at least, for me it is. There’s enough to be seen, but rarely anything that captures my imagination. When I was feverishly looking for… Read more »

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Quote van de dag: Muurtje

Voormalig Tweede-Kamerlid Boris van der Ham, thans voorzitter van het Humanistisch Verbond, in Trouw: Mijn uitgangspunt is altijd: religie is een individueel recht. Wat je denkt mag je uiten, ook buiten de voordeur. Maar het is geen collectief recht: alsof je, zodra je het een religie noemt, een muurtje om je gemeenschap mag bouwen waarbinnen… Read more »

Biblical Inerrancy vs. Science

There are people who believe that the bible is the inerrant word of their god. Also, there are people who try to understand how the universe works, and they do science to it. And then there’s people who try to do both. While the two aren’t mutually exclusive, I kinda wonder how that works. Because,… Read more »

Blue Monday

In case you didn’t hear about it: today is Blue Monday. Supposedly, for a number of reasons, it’s the most depressing day of the year. Poppycock. The whole idea of the third monday of January being the most depressing day of the year is based on some ludicris pseudoscience—add some undefined variable to weather, subtract… Read more »

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First Lines: Cthulhurotica & In Situ

Last year, I backed a Kickstarter project by Dagan Books. The aim was to release more collections of short fiction. So far, I received two (digital) volumes, with two more to follow. The first one I read was Cthulhurotica, an anthology of erotic horror, inspired by the writing of H.P. Lovecraft. Now, Lovecraft’s work isn’t… Read more »