Yearly Archives: 2013

First Lines: Chariots of the Gods

Long aeons before mankind rose to dominion of this planet, Elder Ones filtered down from the stars. They build Cyclopean cities and monuments that stand until this day, and in their benevolence, they passed on their superior knowledge. For a change, I’m not talking about H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthuhlu-Mythos. This is pretty much what Erich Von… Read more »

Seen Live: De Parade

De Parade has set up shop in Utrecht. Last week, I went and saw three shows. The first one was Torre Florim and Roos Rebergen (and band) playing songs from their Tweede Speeldoos album. Which was so excellent, that I got myself a ticket for their club show in Ekko, later this month. De tweede… Read more »

First Lines: Slaughterhouse-Five

Slaughterhouse-Five tells the tale of how Billy Pilgrim came to be in Dresden when it was fire bombed off the face of the earth in World War II, and how he became unstuck in time afterwards. That part includes Flying Saucers and the planet Tralfamadore. Slaughterhouse-Five is a bit of an odd book. It has… Read more »

First Lines: Joyland

Published by Hard Case Crime, Joyland is Stephen King’s second attempt at writing a pulpy crime story. His first one, 2005’s The Colorado Kid was more of a crime mystery novel, since nothing much was resolved. Joyland‘s main mystery—who killed Linda Gray?—gets resolved. But like it often goes with King, the stuff that happens isn’t… Read more »


Remember l’espirit d’escalier? So, today, when I was telling a colleague about my weekend, that I had six friends coming over for diner and I made this amazing risotto with tomato braised chicken and balsamic marinated strawberries for desert, she said to me that I’d make an amazing son-in-law, and I was all, like, “I… Read more »

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