Stephen King is a jerk. First, he gets you to care about a bunch of people waiting in line for a job fair, and then he goes and kills ’em all by having a big gray Mercedes plow through them. The story resumes with the now-retired lead-police detective of the case receiving a letter from… Read more »
Monthly Archives: August 2014
First Lines: The Straits of Galahesh & The Flames of Shadam Khoreh
There’s a (now slightly outdated) joke asking why George R.R. Martin doesn’t use Twitter. Because he killed all 140 characters. While I’m two seasons behind on my Game of Thrones-watching, I get the point. While Bradley P. Beaulieu’s The Staits of Galahesh and The Flames of Shadam Khoreh, the second and concluding volumes of The… Read more »