Prince — Gold
Monthly Archives: April 2016
First Lines: The Master & Margarita
With Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master & Margarita I waded my first, cautionary steps into the pool of Russian literature. The novel is set in 1920’s Soviet Russia, where three story lines interweave: the one where Satan’s minions wreck havoc in Moscow, the one set in Jerusalem where Pontius Pilate condemns a tree-hugging hippie philosopher to… Read more »
First Lines: Pickings from the Neil Gaiman Humble Bundle
Last year, a Humble Bundle of Neil Gaiman rarities was released. It included a pile of hard to find, out of print and obscure books and comics, with a 100% of the author’s earnings going to his charitable foundation, which in turn supports various Good Causes™. So, I loaded the most e-reader friendly files onto… Read more »
Pragmatically Splitting ASP.NET StyleBundles for IE
Lets start with a disclaimer: I am a front-end guy. I *heart-emoji* HTML and CSS. I know my way around javascript. But I am not a programmer. My knowledge of ASP.NET/C# is minimal. So the following will probably be bloody obvious for people who are C#-gurus, but here we go anyway. Another disclaimer: this is… Read more »
De stemgerechtigde, gehoord de beraadslaging, overwegende, dat Oekraïne kan ons natuurlijk niets schelen roepende organisatoren, onrendabele roze rechts-populistische-onderbuikreutelaars, en slecht ingelezen roze matrozenpetjes er voor gezorgd hebben dat we vandaag mogen stemmen in een 40 miljoen Euro kostend rancunefeestje over de rug van 45 miljoen mensen; overwegende, dat het referendum enkel gaat over de wet… Read more »