First Lines: Good Omens

The upcoming television series of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s Good Omens caused a lot of excitement on Twitter, which in turn caused me to re-read the book.

The plot is about a demon having misplaced the Antichrist, who is now needed on account of Armageddon being scheduled for next Saturday, just after tea. The catch being that the demon has grown rather fond of life on earth, and doesn’t really want it to end. So he pals up with an old pal, an angel who’s not too sure this end of all things is quite necessary. And then there are witches, witch-finders, hell-hounds and what have you. It’s right up my alley.

Despite Good Omens being a very funny, truly excellent book, even-though it has oodles of Good Bits (I was particularly fond of

“It’s like the man said in the history books. A plaque on both your houses.”
This met with silence.
“One of those blue ones,” said Brian, eventually, “Saying ‘Adam Young Lived Here’ or somethin’?”

myself), I didn’t quite catch the same level of excitement as I saw on Twitter. Oh, well.

Book read
Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman — Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
First line
It was a nice day.