Posts Categorized: Life

This Month: February 2012

Remember last month, when I said that I would try to say something useful about the past month every month? Well, apparently I didn’t properly think it through. You see, nothing much happened this last month. I went to work—which, for a change, was a bit slow—I saw a couple of concerts, read a few… Read more »

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So you may know who I am…

On the soundtrack of the motion picture that will eventually be made about me, this song will probably the ‘love theme’. BLØF — Liefdesbrief

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This Month: January 2012

So, let’s try this new thing where every month I try to say something useful about the past month. I tried for an hour to sum up the past month, but apparently I’m not in my happy place—you know, where I can write something about myself without it being, like, boring—quite yet. So let’s just… Read more »


Today is a sad day. I need an extra bit to store my age in.

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‘t Is me vooralsnog het jaartje wel. Ja, nee, ja, maar nee, ja, nee, echt heel zwaar. Moeilijk, moeilijk, moeilijk, moeilijk, moeilijk. Brigitte Kaandorp — Ik heb een heel zwaar leven