Remember last month, when I said that I would try to say something useful about the past month every month? Well, apparently I didn’t properly think it through. You see, nothing much happened this last month. I went to work—which, for a change, was a bit slow—I saw a couple of concerts, read a few… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Life
So you may know who I am…
On the soundtrack of the motion picture that will eventually be made about me, this song will probably the ‘love theme’. BLØF — Liefdesbrief
This Month: January 2012
So, let’s try this new thing where every month I try to say something useful about the past month. I tried for an hour to sum up the past month, but apparently I’m not in my happy place—you know, where I can write something about myself without it being, like, boring—quite yet. So let’s just… Read more »
Today is a sad day. I need an extra bit to store my age in.
‘t Is me vooralsnog het jaartje wel. Ja, nee, ja, maar nee, ja, nee, echt heel zwaar. Moeilijk, moeilijk, moeilijk, moeilijk, moeilijk. Brigitte Kaandorp — Ik heb een heel zwaar leven