Posts Categorized: Life

Random thoughts for today

Some things that were running through my mind today: Earlier today, the song “One of Us” was played on the radio. The second verse asks, If God had a face, what would it look like And would you want to see If seeing meant that you would have to believe In things like heaven and… Read more »

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The Thing that Should not Be

Most people will know about my strong dislike of that worthless excuse for a browser that is Internet Explorer, and some will even share it. So when I found a tutorial for a plush IE Voodoo Doll, I LOL’d. And then I just had to get all arts-and-crafty:

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No post today

On October 15, a copy of mr. Loaf’s latest DVD was send to me from the UK. Of course, that did mean that it would arrive during my holiday, but so be it. When I came home, my mailbox was empty. Okay, I thought, maybe it is delayed. But then I found out that similar… Read more »

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This past weekend

Finally, after making and subsequently changing plans at least thirty two times, the Dapster made it all the way to Amersfoort last saturday. And that’s probably just because he had to be in Zwolle the following day, so it only served his selfish interest. I had a terrible, rotten time and did not enjoy it… Read more »

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Some days…

This morning, I bought a ticket for the second-to-last performance of Tanz der Vampire in Berlin. A Steingathering is always fun. This afternoon, I came home and found a message in the mail, saying that my presence was requested on a family-thing, in exactly the same weekend. Crapdammit. Now, I have to arrange something for… Read more »

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