Posts Categorized: Life

First Lines: The God Delusion

Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion argues that any creative intelligence, of sufficient complexity to design anything, comes into existence only as the end product of an extended process of gradual evolution. And since 1) evolution does a perfect job at explaining how complex organisms like us humans came to be, 2) there is no factual… Read more »

J’ai de retour

Monday morning I returned home from my trip to the South of France. There are several things that can be crossed of several lists: I’ve climbed a mountain (the Ker of Massat) I’ve been over three cols featured in recent Tours de France (Col de la Crouzette, Col de Port and Col d’Agnes) I’ve visited… Read more »

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Les vacances, il sont arrivés

In a little while, I’ll start on the first leg of my journey to the south of France. Since I don’t plan on using a computer unless it’s absolutely necessary, I’ve prepared a couple of posts for the next week, so you won’t be that bored when I’m gone. Au revoir for now.

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It is said that if you plan on having a successful weblog, you should post regularly, and never apologize when you don’t manage to do so. So you can consider this a non-apology, since I never planned to be successful at this. When I posted my planning almost two weeks ago, I said that I… Read more »

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