Day 15: a song you like that’s a cover by another artist. As the great philosopher Jon Bon Jovi once said, “Whoa, we’re halfway there.” Wende — Au suivant (Jacques Brel cover) I like me some covers. Whether they’re stripped down acoustic versions of hiphop tunes I would usually ignore, plain gorgeous takes on songs… Read more »
Posts Tagged: 30 day song challenge
30 Day Song Challenge #14
Day 14: a song you’d love to be played at your wedding. Claudia de Breij — Mag ik dan bij jou There’s a thin line between being emotionally invested in what you’re singing, and drenching it in pathos. Covers of Claudia de Breij’s “Mag ik dan bij jou” almost always cross that line. Which, is… Read more »
30 Day Song Challenge #13
Day 13: a song from the year you were born. Bruce Springsteen — Point Blank Happy birthday to me. Black Sabbath’s “Heaven and Hell” was a shoe-in for this category, until I realized that Bruce Springsteen’s The River also was released in 1980. Sure, “Point Blank” had been around for a couple of years by… Read more »
30 Day Song Challenge #12
Day 12: a song from your preteen years. Kinderen voor Kinderen — Ik ben toch zeker Sinterklaas niet As a kid, I was totally not that into music. The only things I can clearly remember listening to were typical kiddie-things like Kinderen voor Kinderen and Ministars. “Ik ben toch zeker Sinterklaas niet” is a stone-cold… Read more »
30 Day Song Challenge #11
Day 11: a song you never get tired of. Bonnie Tyler — Total Eclipse of the Heart “Total Eclipse of the Heart” is one of my all-time favorite songs. Despite having heard this song a gazillion times (in countless cover versions, in Dutch, Hungarian, Japanese, German, Portuguese, Russian, Finish, French, and Polish), I cannot ever… Read more »