Stephen King’s modus operandi should be familiar: he puts normal people in abnormal situations and sees how they cope when trouble comes their way. Under the Dome follows this script to to the letter: a small town gets cut off from the rest of the world by an mysterious, invisible and unbreakable force field, and,… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Stephen King
First Lines: Carrie
Of course, I have read Carrie before. Just not in English. So when I had to do some traveling by train where lugging around a big-ass hardcover isn’t entirely practical, I picked up the smallest, unread paperback from the shelf. (Only to return with over two kilos of books, including Stephen King’s latest, but that’s… Read more »
First lines: Thinner
Lawyer Billy Halleck got away with it. He ran over an old gypsy woman in the street, and his buddies the chief of police and the judge swept it cleanly under the rug. When the overweight Halleck starts to lose weight, he just knows that he was cursed by that old gypsy he met at… Read more »
First lines: Misery
Paul Sheldon was lucky: even though he was intoxicated while he wrecked his car in a snowstorm, he lived to tell the tale. And telling tales, well, that just happens to be his occupation. Annie Wilkes, a former nurse and incidentally his Number One Fan, pulled him from the wreckage of his car, took him… Read more »
First lines: Just After Sunset
Just After Sunset is another collection of short stories by Stephen King. And since I can’t find an interesting angle to poke at it, I’ll keep it at these three observations from my notes: ONE: I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between Stationary Bike and Duma Key, with paintings influencing reality and all that…. Read more »